Staying in The Netherlands/Japan for up to One year; The Working Holiday Program.

Staying for a year while being able to work

The Working holiday is a cultural exchange program between The Kingdom of the Netherlands and Japan. Citizens between the age of 18 and 30 can apply for a one year permit that allows them to experience the culture of the country while working.

Many countries have previously established this cooperation program with The Netherlands. Given the long and rich cultural history between Japan and The Netherlands it was only logical that starting from April 1st 2020 a similar exchange program came into being between these two countries.

Exchange of the Notes Verbales with H.E. Mrs. Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and H. E. Mr. HORINOUCHI Hidehisa Ambassador of Japan to the Netherlands. ( Embassy of Japan in The Netherlands, 2019)

The benefits of the working holiday visa, compared to a regular tourist visa, are that you can stay in the Netherlands/Japan for a period of one year instead of 3 months. During this year you are allowed to work for multiple employers to financially sustain yourself. Please keep in mind that there is a maximum of 200 applicants, so apply as soon as possible.

If you are an Artist from Japan looking to participate in the Deshima AIR project, or a Dutch person wanting to stay in Japan long term, the working holiday visa will allow you to stay for a full year. So are you a Japanese artist between the age of 18 and 30 and do you want to experience Dutch cultural live for a whole year? Or are you a  Dutch person between the age of 18 and 30, looking for a way to stay and work in Japan for a whole year? Consider the working holiday program.




For more information about the program, and an explanation about the application process visit these websites:

Embassy of Japan in the Netherlands:

Netherlands and you:



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